Friday, March 7, 2008

The Lion in March

Pewee Valley is tasting the first great snowfall of March. Hopefully, it will be our last. I guess reseeding the yard earlier this week was a dumb idea. On the other hand, maybe the snow will melt and all the dead spots from the drought this past summer will suddenly spring back to life.

It's been almost six months since my last blog. Since then, I've started my new job as a Technology Integration Specialist. Funny how teaching others about podcasting, blogging, and other Web 2.0 applications has left no time for me to keep up with my own Internet activity.

I guess I've been absorbed with fatherhood and our first baby. I'm trying to be an equal partner in the diapers and feedings that come with parenthood. I can't say that I've been equal in the early going. But, I think I'll put some logs in the fireplace so we can makes S'mores this evening. Hopefully, we'll have a laid back weekend.

Meanwhile, a pot of my famous Venison chili is on the stove. Hmm. It will taste great as we watch the snow continue to fall. Besides, I just finished removing the first two inches, even though the forecast calls for up to 8 inches by tomorrow afternoon.

For now, I'll take a moment to just sit back and enjoy the view of my beautiful wife and little Isabel.

I hope everyone makes it home safely this afternoon and enjoys the white blanket that covers the Bluegrass. My normal 35 minute drive across Louisville took 2 hours due to a pair of separate accidents on Eastbound Interstate 64 at the 22-mile marker. I snapped this photo as I passed the first accident. Notice the tire lying behind the truck. One vehicle was pinned against the concrete divider by the 18-wheeler in this photo. There were a total of 16 vehicles wrecked within the next 1/4 mile.

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