Friday, November 28, 2008

A Must-Read for All Educators

Simply telling it like it is.

How many times do I have to say it.

"Engage them, don't enrage them."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Recording Tools for Capturing and Sharing on the National Day of Listening

Want an alternative to that tedious day-after Thanksgiving shopping spree?

How about learning more about someone close to you by participating in the first annual StoryCorps National Day of Listening on November 28, 2008. When I first read about this in Samantha Gross' article linked here, I immediately thought of all the cool tools currently available that will allow someone to capture audio and/or video of family members and close friends before they are forgotten.

Here's my short list of Tools for Capturing the Moment:
  1. For the Apple enthusiast, simply turn on your Photo Book video and have at it.
  2. For the Windows user, how about spending $29.95 for the LifeCam VX-1000 and use it in combination with a free download of Windows Movie Maker. Simply connect the USB webcam, open Movie Maker and (under Movie Tasks) select #1 Capture Video from "video device". Your intelligent computer will find the webcam and you can just start recording.
  3. For additional free audio/video recording (also referred to by me as "capture") software, consider downloading the trial versions of SnagIt or Jing. With either one, you'll think Christmas has come early. And, you will will to explore the possibilities of these cool tools before the next gathering of friends and/or family.

Tell next time, have fun!

I've got to run. Turkey is on the kitchen counter!!!

Pass the Yammer!

Social networking sites are great when used properly and on your own time (versus during working hours). Anyone who frequents Twitter can tell you how disappointing it is to find that site blocked within JCPS. However, it is understandable. But what if a Twitter-like site that was more Work-Related existed? After all, people could (and should) be twitting about work sometimes. Right? So, how do you get your up-to-the-minute social networking fix AND impress your boss at the same time? The answer is in one word.

Yammer is social networking that asks "What are you working on right now?" And, it's as easy to use as linking to the Video Tour that explains the basics.

Want to learn more? Read some of either The Yammer Blog or The How To Guide right now, if they're not blocked by that pesty firewall. Otherwise, try to wait until you get home. Either way, prepare to be impressed.

Can you see Yammer taking the place of a ton of annoying email that fills your mailbox on a daily basis. I can. I'm so excited about the possibilities of Yammer that I've already created the group for my organization, invited the members, and anxiously await the return to work after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Pass the turkey, I need to keep up my strength!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Internet Security begins with Common Sense

Seems I've been spending a great deal of time dealing with virus protection, eliminating Spyware, and training others to increase their computer security. In this post I will pass on some web sites that I like to use to increase awareness of these issues. I hope you will find something eye-opening and useful amongst this short post.

Begin by taking the SonicWall Phishing and Spam IQ Test to gauge your ability to identify real versus fraudulent emails.

I recently found some great common sense articles on the WebTools&Tips site. By accident, I happened across the article Internet Security Tips: Look Hard at URL destination before you Click it. This is just one in the series of Simple Security Tips to fortify your Internet Security. And, a great compliment to this series, you shouldn't pass over the "Related Webtools and Tips..." found at the end of each article.

I'm discovering that the average computer user either doesn't see the importance of, or simply doesn't make the time to, look before clicking. A simple click on the wrong link, image, email, et cetera, can result in a variety of problems. These include viruses, spyware, and other evil little critters. The average user can save themselves some pain by learning to deal with these crises before they ruin your day, your files, and your mood.

For example, being aware of sites like Snopes can give you insight into Virus Hoaxes & Realities that are likely to threaten your system. Snopes recently posted a nice summary of the UPS/FedEx Delivery Failure virus that is certain to affect someone you know before this holiday season is over. Don't let it get you.

Become familiar with one or more Spyware removal Tools. I especially like the resources to be found at CERT. Another resource that I have used is

However, if you don't feel comfortable attempting to removing spyware from your computer, you can find a techie who feels comfortable assisting you in solving these type of problems. At least take the time to learn about what is infecting your system by simply doing Google searches that includes some variation of "remove, removal, removing" followed by the name of virus or spyware that has invaded the computer.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I hope you found something eye-opening and useful. Better security leads to better peace of mind. Enjoy that!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Change Congress

For those of you eligible to vote in U.S. Congressional elections, do your part to Change Congress.

Help Build the Momentum

My next post will return to tech integration ideas in education.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hunting, Dear

Today had it all, birthday, anniversary, deer hunting, and broadcasting our support of Public Radio and WFPL. Hear our message at the end of this post.

Isabel is 11 months old tonight and pulled herself up to a standing position with the support of the coffee table. It won't be long till she's walking!

Sherriann and I have enjoyed 12 wonderful years together. As Isabel is still getting over a recent bout with a cold, I surprised Sherri by picking up dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Stony River. We've just dined on Caesar salad, a pair of 10 oz filets "Oscar style" (crabmeat on top) with a side of mashed cinnamon sweet pototoes. Later we'll share our desserts. Yum.

And all this after I went hunting this morning and harvested a deer for our new freezer. I was home by 10:30am and had processed the meat by 4pm. Thanks again for sending me to the woods, sweetie. And yes, I let the little buck walk on by.

My morning hunt on dad's farm was almost a bust. Turkeys were landing all around as dawn broke.

Thank goodness the the 3D camo, or they would have raised a ruckus and scared all the deer away.

At daybreak, I was sitting on the ground with my back against a large cedar for less than 30 minutes, when I suddenly heard hooves stomping the ground directly behind me. This was followed by a deer blowing. I waited a moment before slowly turning my head, hoping the cedar and my camouflage would conceal my location. Through the underbrush, I spied a pair of does bobbing their heads trying to see what that odd shape was under the cedar tree near their bedding area. They didn't look for long, deciding instead to leave the way they came.

As for me, I figured that my morning hunt was wasted, so I grabbed my gear and headed out of the woods the same way the deer had exited. As I began my 200 yard walk down the grassy meadow toward the recently harvested corn field where I had parked, I happened to look up in time to see the two does jumping the fence between the meadow and corn stubble. They loped into a tree-lined gulley about 250 yards away.

Immediately, eight deer came blasting out of the gulley, startled by the commotion these two were making. The herd moved reminiscent of the 3th and 4th turns at Churchill Downs' Kentucky Derby. They made a 100-yard-wide counter-clockwise circle, first away, then toward me. I couldn't believe my eyes. In turn, they each vaulted over the fence and, suddenly slowing to a trot, preceded up the hillside where I had smartly sat down to watch the race. I now had plenty of time to take the Winchester 243 back out of the case, insert the clip and chamber a round, all while taking in the size of the seven does and the trailing 2-point buck.

With the herd nearing up the hill toward my 2 o-clock position, I waited until the largest doe was 40 yards away and still slightly lower than my position. A misfire would safely lodge in a distant ridge just beyond the meadow. No need to worry. My shot was true, and the deer was down.
It's Daddy and hubby time.

Our WFPL message of support.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Catching up with October

Seems October was so busy, I never got around to posting anything about technology in education, or the family. Here's the quick family update. After all, family comes first.

Isabel was a flower for Halloween. What a cutie!

Sunday is my 12th anniversary. Love you, honey. It is also Isabel's 11month birthday. Love my baby!

It's been over a month since my last post. I will begin posting regularly beginning this week. The past 12 weeks have been overwhelmingly productive. My quasi-title "go-to-guy for all things tech" has kept me jumping through hoops at work. I'll loved learning the hardware side of technology, although it has kept me from exploring much in the way of software. I'll share all later.

For now, Sherri is getting over her cold. (I had it first. Sorry, sweetie.)
It's a loving wife who says "go deer hunting" the morning of our anniversary. (Is this a trick?) I'll be sure to surprise her with something out-of-the-ordinary when she least expects it. She deserves it for all she does.

Looking forward to sharing the latest tech integration ideas. Expect to read about videoconferencing, Skype, some more Web20 tools, and detailing the creation of a retro-computer lab that began with the simple idea of just increasing the RAM in some older computers. I had no idea where that one task would lead. I'm changing an old cliche to say, "If it ain't broke....make it better."

Stay tuned and Thanks again for reading!