Saturday, June 14, 2008

KySTE 2008 - Day 3of3

KySTE 2008 - Day 3 of 3

Looks like I've written tons about this week's technology conference. I hope you've found useful tidbits for yourself. Anyway, I paid $130 for this stuff and you're getting it all for free. At least drop me a comment to let me know it was worth blogging about all this tech training. thx.

For the final day of the conference, I decided to divide my time between 5 different offerings during this 2-sessions-only day. I'm very glad I did it this way. Spending from 5 to 20 minutes in each of these sessions, I was still able to come away with a wealth of useful information that I otherwise would never have gotten to learn about and share. And, as for me, 4 out of 5 of the sessions I attended will serve me well in the future. So, here goes the free info I gleaned from the final day of the 2008 Kentucky Society for Technology in Education conference!

KET Virtual Physics Labs

KET Virtual Physics Labs If you are a Kentucky teacher, check out some of the virtual physics labs that will be available in Fall2008. Start signing up in mid-July. $50/school. That's not a district license, that's the cost per school. And, that's a bargain.

TIP OF THE DAY: When viewing a Flash-driven object, if you right-click anywhere on the Flash object, you can Zoom up to 8X.

There is a generic Registered Name that has been made available for teachers to play around with these virtual tools prior to their official August opening. I can't post that name, the ID#, or Password here. But, contact me at this site with your official email from the Global Address contacts and I'll reply with the info you will need.

These online resource tools don't have to be used as labs. And, there are cool as heck. The Early Labs are about Force & Motion, while the Later Labs get deeper & more woolly.

eClassroom Journals (Blogs)

Harrison County Schools, whose motto is "Believing! Achieving! Succeeding!", is excited about employing eClassroom Journals (Blogs). Educators who already know about blogging, understand that these online journals can be an invaluable communication tool from school to home. In Harrison County, the Blogs are powered by Wordpress. Therefore, the design allows teachers to quickly post classroom info so that students and parents with Internet connection can readily access information.

I spoke even so briefly with Melissa Shepard, Chief Information Officer for the district. I think she said that thier Blogs go through Wordpress, allowing for PHP or a build on standardized components like Apache, and mySQL.

Google for Educators

Geo Education - Getting Started Guide I won't even talked about it here. Dive in and start swimming through the information. You'll find something that makes you gasp for joy.

KATE Resources

First of all, if you don't know what the acronym K A T E stands for, then you should click this link asap.

Now that you have some idea of what KATE can mean to your teaching, check out some of the Professional Development resources. I know that last sentence sounded boring, so how about starting with the following link, then backspacing over the "68/" at the end of that URL to see the entire list of choices. Good Luck. is the link to Google for Educators. Remember, this is just one of many KATE PD Resources.

Podcasting with EDUcast

Session described as creating podcasts through 323Link's Educast system. I'm sure there's someone out there who will find EDUcast answers I need that they have.
  • Automated streaming service and iTunes posting
  • Audio or Video Capturing System
  • Requires no additional bandwidth
  • Requires no training
  • Can be played on any PC, Mac, mp3 Player, or iPod
  • Automatic file management
Consists of an $2,5000 Audio Appliance & a $5,000 Video Appliance Hosting is based on storage. 100G account is $3,500, or a 25G account for $2,400/yr.

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