Besides marveling at the world records set by Usain "Lightning" Bolt, and the winning streak of the USA womens' volleyball pair of May-Treanor/Walsh, I've been trying to overcome my own Olympic-like hurdles in time management. With that said, it's time to think about family, even though another year of teaching has just begun.
Isabel turned 8 months old two weeks ago. However, she has been suffering from her third ear infection since mid-June. Last week, on the final faculty day before students were to begin the school year, I was called away to Isabel's daycare. She had a 102 temperature. Once at the pediatricians' office, we found that her right ear drum had ruptured. Poor thing. Another doctors' visit to an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist this past Monday has us scheduled to get tubes in Isabels' ears on September 2nd. Our pediatrician had mention that she always recommends this when an infant develops 4 ear infections within a 6-month period. With winter being more promising for such infections, we were nudged to take care of this as soon as possible. The tubes would have been placed during the visit on Monday, except that Isabel still has a build-up of fluid on the right side.
Back to Isabel, she had so much fun in the tire swing during a visit to the farm last month that Sherriann has bought her an indoor swing.
Sherriann, Isabel and I were able to squeeze in a brief Sunday afternoon visit back to the farm this past weekend...
I thought it appropriate to capture an image of mom's remaining siblings as the afternoon faded. Pictured from left to right are Uncle Frank, Aunt Joan, mom, and Uncle Charles Lee.
Of course, mom enjoyed plenty of quality time holding her latest grand-daughter. Isabel didn't disappoint her, as she laughed and squealed with her ever-increasing baby-babble.
I understand that my aunt is planning to paint a picture of the old home. I hope these images will help her reference the scene she intends to portray.
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