17JUL2008 & 24JUL2008
Brief Description
Music instructors, A&H teachers, and other participants will explore programs to integrate audio and music into the Tablet PC experience with students.
Download the Music Composition Tool in advance, as we will create, edit and playback original music notation. Also at http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/5/4/d54d67f0-9f2e-4346-b6d2-6aa7e2f7ffa0/tabletpccompositiontoolsetup.exe
First 1/2 of this session exploring Tablet PC applications from a music education perspective:
Looking (briefly) at the Music Composition Tool to create, edit and playback original music notation
PowerTools and PowerToys are additional programs that are available for the TabletPC. They add fun and functionality to your TabletPC experience. Participants will learn about the educational applications of the PowerTools and PowerToys. We may also explore the bold items that follow: Art Tool, Calculator, Dictionary Tool, Drawing Animator, Extended Desktop, Handwriting Analysis Tool, Hold Tool, Hoop Strategy, Ink Screen Saver, Letteris, Maze Game, Microsoft Dots!, Microsoft Phraseology, Microsoft Physics Illustrator, My Font Tool, Pool for Tablet PC, Power Paint Tool, Puzzle, Music Composition Tool, Thumbnail View, Tic Tac Toe, Web Search Power Tool, Word Search, Writing Practice Tool, and Writing Recognition Game.
Creating a music-focused lesson using SMART Board Notebook Software
Open my Technoversity2008_SMART file.
Creating a music-focused lesson using Microsoft Photo Story 3
Microsoft Photo Story 3 helps you create exciting video stories from your pictures that you can share with others. For example, you could create a video story that features narrated photographs from a class field trip or a video story that includes pictures and sounds from an animal at the zoo. In a few simple steps, you can import and edit your pictures, add titles, record narration, add background music, and save your story using the optimal quality setting for the way your story will be played.
Participating in Hands-On steps for capture/import/edit of audio using Windows Movie Maker
Windows Movie Maker can be used to capture audio and video to your computer from a video camera, web camera, or other video source, and then use the captured content in your movies. Learn how to import existing audio, video, or still pictures into Windows Movie Maker to use in the movies you create. After editing, (including adding titles, video transitions, or effects) save your final movie and share it with your classroom, friends and family.
Exploring educational advantages of iTunes. Download iTunes here.
- Video Tutorials on using iTunes. NOTE: iTunes U has a Power Search located near the top right side of the window
- Apple - iTunes - Tutorials - Shop the Store explains the basics of accessing this online music source.
- Apple - iTunes - Tutorials - Get Free Podcasts explains accessing, playing, saving podcasts.
- Apple - iTunes - Tutorials - Sync to Your iPod explains synching of podcasts to your iPod.
Accessing Podcasts and other JCPS Online and web-based resources for post-session self-paced instruction.
A pod is a collection of digital media files which is distributed over the internet for playback on portable media players and personal computers. The term podcast, like "broadcast," can refer either to the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated.Learn to create and post your podcast of a mini-lesson you can use next year with your students.
- Accessing podcasts from the iTunes Store.
Second 1/2 of this session introducing EduApps and online resources for Technology Integration in music education:
All the Essential Resources
- CES Online Website - log in with your JCPS username and password
- JCPS OS X Streaming Media Server
- netTrekker d.i.
- (video) netTrekker d.i. Enhancements - effective Dec.2007
- JCPS Online Resources
- Kentucky
- KATE (KY Academy of Technology Education) Check out the 3 hyperlinks in the thin blue banner at very top of the KATE page.If guided by Core Content, go here.
- KATE PD Resources - This is a great list, don't pass it up.
- TICK (Technology in Classrooms in Kentucky)
- KY Technology Framework
- Google Advanced Search
- Google for Educators - see my review here.
- Google Page Creator
Browsers and Add-ons
- Firefox3 browser
- Internet Explorer 7
- Add-ons for IE7
- Microsoft IE7 Resource Center Downloads - lists five categories, check out each blurb.
- IE7 Resource Center - scroll down to Related Resource Centers
Cool Tools: free Internet Web2.0 applications
- Google Docs Tour
- A.nnotate - annotate documents online for private or shared review, indexing and discussion with notes and tags
- del.icio.us - social bookmarking
- gOffice - online word processor
- Text2MindMap - takes a structured list of words or sentences, interprets them, and converts texts to mind maps.
- Jing - capture images, recording video, sharing in email, IM, or blogs
- ning - create a social network for anything
- StumbleUpon - this personalized recommendation engine learns what you like, and brings you more.
- animoto - redefining your PowerPoint experience - see example here
- Quizlet - flashcards, vocabulary memorization, and studying games
- Web Poster Wizard - create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online
- the web's best Calendars
- xtimeline - create timelines
Dictionaries & Glossaries
FREE Music, Sound Effects, and Images
- Copyright from JCPS Library Media Services, includes
- A Guide to the Use of Copyright Materials
- Copyright Review (PPT file)
- Copyright and the Web
Dictionaries & Glossaries
- Glossary of Medieval Art & Architecture
- netLingo - The Internet Dictionary
- Webopedia - Online Computer Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms and Definitions
FREE Music, Sound Effects, and Images
- American Memory from the Library of Congress
- FreePlayMusic
- Classic Nintendo Music - 3,759 midi files in the Nintendo directory
- Free Sound Effects - 1,000s of sounds, effects, midi files, and .wav organized by links and categories.
- Pics4Learning
Hosting for Blogs and Wikis
Links to Music Links (individual web pages featuring lists of links)
- Music and Audio on MacIntosh
- Music and Sound - a page full of links
- The Music Room from Capistrano School, CA
Online Lessons and Teacher Resource Sites
Other online educational "tools"- Learning the Blues
- Webquest - Symphony and Sonata Form - created by Jeff Hamilton
- Primary Resources: Music
- Teachers Network
- Read,Write,Think
- i4c - Internet4Classrooms
- Sites for Teachers
- lib-web-cats - Quick Search a directory of libraries around the world
- Instant Rimshot
- Create a Graph
- Visual Ranking Tool
- Student Online Readiness Tool
- PowerPoint Lessons - Jeopardy templates
- RubiStar - Create rubrics for your project-based learning
Software - Downloads
- Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP Tablet edition
- iTunes for Windows XP
- Google Desktop
- Adobe Reader
- Audacity and the LAME Encoder
- Shockwave Player for Windows
- Zamzar - free online file conversion
- Free Mp3, Wma convertor
- Podcast Generator - allows you to publish your audio and video podcasts in a few steps.
- SnagIt - screen capture (free 30day trial)
- The Hat (random name generator for limited call-outs) from Harmony Hollow Software downloads
- Cool Timer from Harmony Hollow Software downloads
Software - Video Tutorials
- Tech-Ease includes many PDF guides at the bottom
- Podcasting Basics and Podcasting with Audacity
- also read Teen Tech Week Resources - check out Tech Guide Number 1 "Making Music with Teens"
- Windows Movie Maker
- Social Bookmarking with del.icio.us
- Introduction to Wikis with PBwiki
- Web2.0 Workshop from AtomicLearning
- SnagIt 8
Streaming Radio Stations
Tablet PC articles
- Tablet PC's for Music Instruction
- Using Tablet PC's in Music Education
- The Music Notepad for Tablet PC
- More Tablet PC benefits for Music Teachers
- Appalachian State gets in tune with Tablet PC's
Technology Integration
- Digital Citizenship in Schools homepage
- JCPSNet Student AUP
- Searching the Internet - search engines and subject indexes
- Welcoming the Internet into your Classroom
- Glossary of Internet & Web Jargon
Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting
- Using the Windows "Print Screen" Key
- Troubleshooting the wireless connection on the HP Tablet PC from JCPS IT Tips and Tricks
Web 2.0 directories
- AllMyFaves
- Top 100 Tools for Learning 2008
- Education 2.0 - selected web2.0 applications organized by 11 categories
- The Digital Classroom - Web2.0 Apps List
- Web2.0 Backpack: Web Apps for Students
- Judy Brown's list of Web2.0 tools
- Go2Web20 - the complete web2.0 directory
- Directory of Learning Tools - 2,400 and counting
Virtual WhiteBoard for 15 min. online music theory collaborations.
- Whiteboard - collaborative writing software online
- Scriblink - Your online whiteboard
- skrbl - Simple and easy online multi user whiteboard, start skrbl, give out your URL & start working together.
- Primary Whiteboard Interactive Resources - see Other Subjects Key Stage 1 and 2
For a collaborative whiteboard, try Dabbleboard. It's got a revolutionary UI that makes drawing much easier and faster.
ReplyDeleteSorry that I didn't see your comment before now. I'll give it a look!