I find the summer is the best time to learn. And this summer has been ripe with learning opportunities. I just completed three weeks of Technoversity - attending eight 3-hour sessions and teaching four sessions myself. My two previous posts cover the resources I used for some of these sessions. The majority of my "free" waking hours have been used for bookmarking the fantastic sites shared as I took part in a collaborative, 24-credit hour, online professional development course titled "Finding the Best Educational Resources on the Web." Throughout the six-week course, I was focused on finding the best sites related to Web 2.0 tools. Happily, I finished the course this afternoon and posted the following Web 2.0 annotated resource list to TrackStar, a site for organizing and annotating web sites for use in lessons.

Web 2.0 Tools for the 21st Century Classroom
I'm finally winding down for the night, and can't make the time to share my personal stories about the many Web 2.0 apps I've actually used this summer. I did a quick survey and counted at least 23 tools that I'm really using, and not just trying out and checking off from some list. I'll plan to share some practical ideas for Web 2.0 tools in future posts. Like I've said all year, I'm crazy with the Web 2.0 apps.
Before I crash for the night, I should say a few words about the best part of my life, even if it's also been the roughest in the past few days.
Ear infections are given to the children of new parents as karma for the troubles we gave our own parents growing up. At least, that's what I'm hoping.
While Isabel has had back to back ear infections, I don't think Sherri or I were THAT bad as teenagers. I certainly did some dumb things through the years, but I wasn't a rebellious youth, as far as I can remember. (crossing my fingers) I'll probably get a different opinion from each sibling and both parents. We'll just keep crossing fingers.
And, we both hope that this latest ear infection doesn't repeat itself. For now, we can all just get back to sleep.
Wouldn't you know, as soon I say that, I realize it's again past midnight and I'm wide awake. Guess this is the annual curse I bring upon myself as I seem to morph into a night owl each summer. Seems that over the past three weeks I've made a habit of keeping the waking hours of 10am till 4am. Can't blame my crazy schedule on Isabel's ear infections. Just trying to catch up to those darn digital natives. I think I may have actually passed a few this month.